Finishing Touches in crafting wooden sword in Minecraft

Are you tired of smashing mobs in Minecraft with your bare hands? Read on to learn how you can craft yourself a wooden sword to take your gameplay up a notch!


Minecraft is an incredible game that allows its players to creatively build various structures and objects using cubes. One of the fun elements of playing Minecraft is being able to craft weapons such as a wooden sword. The process can be tricky as there are several steps involved in order for you to finally have your own virtual weapon. If you are looking for a guide on how to craft a wooden sword in Minecraft, then here’s what you need to do!

How to craft a wooden sword in minecraft

In order to craft a wooden sword in Minecraft, you will need a few specific materials. These materials can be obtained from various sources such as trees, animals, or mined from the ground. The materials required are: one piece of Wood/ Log, two pieces of sticks obtained from breaking down Wood/Logs, and one piece of String which can be obtained from killing spiders. Once these items have been collected, move on to the crafting guide to learn how to assemble them into a wooden sword.

Crafting a Wooden Sword

To craft a Wooden Sword, you will need one Oak Log, one Stick and two Iron Ingots. You will first need to collect the materials to craft the Wooden Sword. An Oak Log is found by harvesting an Oak Tree for its log. Sticks can be crafted from the various trees found in Minecraft by using a workbench or crafting table. To craft two iron ingots, combine two iron ore and a fuel source in a furnace.

When you have all the necessary materials, it’s time to start crafting. First, open your Crafting Table and select the “Weapons” tab that appears on top of it. Choose the “Wooden Sword” recipe from this tab and place the required materials in their respective boxes – one oak log in the center; one stick on each side of it; and two iron ingots occupying the slots below them. That’s it! You have now crafted your newly made wooden sword which can be used for combat against hostile mobs in Minecraft!

Enchanting the Wooden Sword

In Minecraft, enchanting is the way to increase the power and uses of a wooden sword. Enchanting requires using an enchantment table and experience points to add special abilities to weapons, tools and armor. To enchant a wooden sword in Minecraft, follow these steps:

1. Place the wood sword into the leftmost slot of your enchantment table. This will allow you to view all available enchantments for this tool.

2. Position your current book of enchantments so that it shows the top row of options for the wooden sword in the rightmost slot of your enchantment table.

3. Choose a specific enchantment from those available for this tool and note its level requirement and cost in experience points (xp). Most common wooden swords can only be enchanted up to level 5 with 15 xp per enchantment level; however, some rare swords could also be enchanted up to level 10 with 30 xp per level if you have librarian villagers around that have gotten special books from trading enough librarian villagers or exploring rare structures like ruined portals or end city towers.

4. Click on an option on your screen to commit and pay xp for that chosen enchantment, which will then appear on your wooden sword’s tooltip stats when held in hand or inventory when completed .

5. Repeat Steps 1-4 until you are satisfied with the different magical attributes attached to your best weapon! Your unique enchanted wooden sword is now ready for battle or harvesting!

Upgrading the Wooden Sword

In order to upgrade a Wooden Sword, you must craft a Stone Sword. The recipe for a Stone Sword requires two Cobblestone blocks and one stick, which can be gathered by smelting wooden planks in a furnace. To craft the Stone Sword simply drag the items needed — two Cobblestone blocks and one stick — onto the crafting grid. Once crafted, you will need to equip it and use it until it breaks completely. After that, you must repeat the process with Iron Ingots and then durable Diamonds in order to upgrade your Wooden Sword into an even more powerful tool!

Crafting a Wooden Shield

Crafting a Wooden Shield is one of the essential steps to creating a Wooden Sword in Minecraft. To make a Wooden Shield, you’ll need 4 pieces of oak wood, which can be harvested from any tree in the game. Once you have enough wood, navigate to the Crafting Table located in the Inventory Menu and select it.

The Crafting Table’s 3×3 grid will appear and you’ll see the recipe for crafting a Wooden Shield which requires 6 wooden planks; arrange them as shown in the recipe, with three along the top row and three down the second row. Crafting a wooden shield requires six planks of either oak or dark oak wooden planks – not spruce, acacia or birch as those woods aren’t durable enough for use as a shield.

Once you have all six planks placed on the table, select your crafting tool from your inventory toolbar and click on “Craft.” The Wooden Shield should now be added to your inventory automatically. Your work is done! Now that you have crafted your very own Minecraft shield, make sure to equip it before heading out on an adventure or battle!

After gathering the necessary materials and crafting the wooden sword, you are now able to use your wooden sword in Minecraft. It can be used to attack mobs and other mobs, break blocks, and even collect some items. Keep in mind that this is the weakest type of weapon in the game, so it will not last long if used too much. Be sure to switch back to tools that have a higher durability such as stone or iron swords if you plan on using your sword for long periods of time.

Stay safe with other players and mobs by equipping yourself with a quality weapon early on in the game, such as a wooden sword from this guide or an iron ax or pickaxe from another guide. To upgrade your weapons further, consider researching how to craft more durable tools and weapons such as diamond swords. With some practice, you can determine when a tool should be used for specific tasks—from chopping wood to slaying monsters!